Just took the bold step?


“Where are you doing this course?”, “How good is the course?”, “Since you are doing, I think I can also do it”, “Send me the link to your program, let me have a look”, “Oh…I heard they select everyone who applies, so let me also try”


That was some select comments I have come across when my acquaintances learn about me doing an executive management education. Well, none of them have really even made an attempt to apply. To make the first step aside your regular work is easier said than done. And probably for the first time in your life you are planning to enroll for an educational program without your parent’s money or pressure. Taking the first step is not easy. It needs commitment, well in terms of effort, time and money. Learning does not happen just like that as you spend years at work.

 So if you have applied for eMEP-07, hats off to you. You have taken a bold step, which was shunned by many. Brush up some basic aptitude test questions for a few weeks before the test. All the best.  

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